Monday, 10 March 2014

Introducing the Blighty Boys.

One of the things that really helped me on my long ride across the USA a few years ago was the number of people that read my blog. Your words of encouragement, support and ideas were a constant companion as I made my way across America.

A few weeks ago I met a couple of guys, John and Jon, who are about to set out on a 20,000 mile ride across the USA. They are also from the UK and start their ride in early April and their route is set out on the map below. It sounds like a great trip which starts in Florida, takes in southern-most states, heads west to California, up the west coast and then across the northern states to finish in New York. I would encourage you to follow their adventures as they ride their trip of a lifetime.

If some of you show them as much support as you did to me, I would be delighted. You can find their blog here…..

They are going to have a blast!

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

We now Produce a Video for most of our customers.

Recording the joyful looks on the faces of our customers has become much easier over the last few years, with the advent of modern technology. And, we can proudly say that we are the only Harley Ride company in Melbourne who provide this service.

Only, this past weekend we filmed three girls we took out for a sidecar ride.

The previous Friday it was a group from Singapore - here for the