Monday, 8 March 2010

Is it really that small? (extended)

Further to my earlier posting below about the GoPro camera, I really should have written something about the different ways of fixing the camera to a bike. There are essentially 4 different ways of mounting a GoPro camera that us motorcyclists / bikers / scooterists / riders (take your pick) will be interested in....

- Stick-on mounts
- Using the suction cup
- Using handlebar or roll bar mounts
- Create your own!

Looking at each one in turn......

Stick-on Mounts – the version of the GoPro camera that I purchased came with a number of flat and curved stick-on mounts See this link for a picture. These could be used for sticking the camera to your helmet (this is ok on an old helmet that you don’t mind doing this to) or to somewhere on your bike (thanks, but no-thanks!). On his blog RazorsEdge2112 shows the results of mounting his GoPro camera to his helmet and whilst this gives an interesting viewpoint, when he moves his head to check traffic at junctions, the view changes a bit too dramatically for my liking. Bobscoot took the ‘sticking the mount to his scoot' route as seen on his blog. My verdict? - For me, I didn’t want to use either of these as I either personally don’t like the results or I didn’t want to damage my bike!

Using the Suction Cup - as my main touring bike is away being painted at the moment, I wanted to test the camera on my custom bike. This doesn’t have a windscreen, so there were only two ways I could mount the camera using the suction cup that comes with the camera.

The first, pictured on the left, was on the tank and yikes, I had to think about this hard because I didn’t want to do anything that might mark the paintwork. Also, I had to use just about all of the various mounting arms I had purchased in order to get the camera high enough to get a clear view over the handlebars – it did work well as the video in my earlier post shows. This is a picture of what the mounting looks like. My verdict? – being able to have the headlight and part of the handlebars in the foreground is really cool as it gives something to relate the rest of the view to. As a few people have said, watching the video makes you feel like you are right there on the bike and I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that you can see part of the bike on the shot. However, you look like a dork with this weird mounting on your tank.

Using the Suction Cup on the Headlight - this isn’t as crazy as it sounds because using the suction cup, I stuck the camera on the bike backwards pointing at me. See picture on left.

I was able to do this because the glass in my headlight is really smooth, but I imagine it wouldn’t work with ridged glass. Here is the result.....

My Verdict? – this is a really cool effect to cut into a longer video that mainly uses the camera pointing forward. Of course, the possibilities of where to mount the suction cup are many, even pointing backwards off the rear of your bike. The suction cup seemed to be achieving a strong fixing to the bike, but I would be wary of using this suction cup for really long journeys.

Handle Bar / Roll Bar Mounts - there are two different sized fixings you can buy for mounting your camera to a round bar. As I didn’t know what would fit best, I purchased the handlebar sized mount and the Roll Bar mount, where the latter is slightly bigger. This is the set-up I am likely to use for my tour of the USA with the camera either mounted to the handlebars or the crash bars of my Road King. However, there is a problem using these types of mount – they only work at 90 degree increments.

This means it is fine if your handle bars or crash bars are at exactly 90 degrees to your bike, but as there is no fine adjustment, it is a problem if for example you handlebars are swept back like this....

Create Your Own! - as this swept back bars is what I have on my red bike, I had to make something up by using the GoPro Tripod Mount, a ball & socket bar fixing and an enthusiastic son (Thanks Charles!) who helped me make this set-up.

This arrangement gives total flexibility both up and down and side to side. The video below contains the results of changing the set up to various views. This is OK, but I think I want to re-make to using something a little more substantial as I am not convinced it won’t move on a long ride due the the vibration. I am going to try it next weekend when I am going to take a long ride, so I will let you know how I get on with it.

This is the video I made from the home-made handle bar mounted camera position....

My Verdict of the Handle Bar / Roll Bar Mounts? – I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of this video as I saw a lot of vibration through the bars and thought it would affect the overall quality, but it is not too bad. This is probably the best solution for mounting to a motorbike, but GoPro need to manufacture and sell a fully adjustable mount. I am going to draw this posting to their attention to see what they say and to see if they have any plans for this. I will let you know what they say.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Is it really that small?

I am of course talking about my GoPro H-D Video Camera, which I received in the post a few days ago. The box has been sitting next to my desk for a few days now and I have had to resist the temptation to open it, because I have had too much to do.

I was still busy this morning but this afternoon I now had the time and I did the following.....

- Opened the box (as Chris said on his blog, this takes quite a long time!)
- Sorted out what-was-what
- Was stunned at how small the camera is
- Fixed the camera to my red bike (I did have some problems with this)
- Shot some test scenes riding around where I live
- Lost my reading glasses from my jacket pocket while riding (bugger!)
- Loaded the results onto my laptop
- Installed Adobe Premiere 7
- Opened the Premiere manual, look at it for 30 seconds
- Closed the Premiere manual
- Looked at some training video clips on You Tube about Premiere
- Loaded my clips into Premiere
- Edited the video
- Added a title
- Created a You Tube account
- Created a video that is web friendly
- Uploaded the video to You Tube
- Took a photo of the camera
- Created this post in my blog
- Worked out how to create a link to You Tube

And then finally, smiled at how easy it all was! Sometimes computers really work well. I think today was one of those times.

It was all remarkably easy. Of course I have only learnt the absolute basics and I am sure I have probably done things wrong, but over time the refinements will happen and I hope to get better at this. OK, I am no Quentin Tarantino, but give it time.

So ..... big drum roll...... here is my first video clip....

In true Oscar fashion, I would like to thank those who starred in the film, my parents, my lovely wife, my children, bobscoot for suggesting Adobe Premiere V7, my dog, and everyone else that helped me achieve a life-long ambition......

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Alexandra Palace Ace Cafe Show

Last weekend saw the Ace Cafe London Motorcycle and Custom Show take place. For those of you that don’t know, the Ace Cafe is very famous in London as being one of the main (if the THE main) motorcycle cafes in the UK.

This year the “Ace” sponsored the new format motorbike show at Alexandra Palace. At present, this is a low key show with none on the big manufacturers attending – it is more for the man or woman that likes custom bikes and oil under their fingernails. This makes it a small but special show in a great location.

Alexandra Palace was originally built in 1873 as a public centre of recreation, education and entertainment. In 1936 it became the headquarters of the world's first regular public television service, operated by the BBC. Its famous radio mast is still used today. Londoner’s affectionate nickname for the building is “Ally Pally”.

The show was over three days and whilst Friday was a quiet day in terms of the number of people attending, Saturday and Sunday were busy, despite some pretty appalling weather.

The custom bike show was one of the rounds of the AMD World Championship, so it was an important event for the custom motorcycle industry here in the UK. The selected winner of best in show would be allowed to enter his/her bike into the Grand Final taking place in Sturgis in August, so there was keen interest in the event. The £20,000 prize money drew some attention as well.

One of the differences between this custom bike show and many others is how the judging is done. Many shows simply have one or a small number of judges selecting what they think are the winners and that’s it. This method can throw up some odd results with the personal preferences of a single or small number of people having a large impact on the result. The way the AMD does it is much fairer, with all entrants and a selected number of guest judges all voting. In this way, a wide selection of views and opinions by people who know about motorcycles choose the winners – much better.

Here are a number of photos from the show.....

I have left the winning bike until last....

If you don’t like custom bikes, look away now....

Stunning paintwork....

One of the bikes belonging to a friend, Ian of 7 Ages Custom Motorcycles....

A green monster....

A Roland Sands inspired bobber....

Nice springer front end....

A bit long....

A lovely old Ducati, that I know a German ex-pat would like....

The usual traders helmets, jackets etc....

My red bike in the show....

And now, the three eventual winners....

A stunning piece of engineering....


Many thanks to Andrew Harbron, who is the editor and chief photographer of the London Bikers website for letting me use some of his pictures.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Dry and Sunny Day – Perfect

It was very cold when I awoke this morning. Frost was on the ground. The temperature was around freezing. It had been a clear night and it was a crisp clear start to the day. If the clouds stayed away, it was going to be a great riding day.

I was hoping it was going to be like this today – I had seen the forecast last night and it seemed that finally, the rain would stay away and the sun would make an appearance.

It was with some degree of anticipation that I watched the skies stay clear and the thermometer slowly rise. Today, I would take out my custom bike for its first riding outing this year! The twin-carbed engine doesn’t like the cold damp air. I had made sure yesterday that the battery was fully charged. Being 110 cubic inches or 1800cc, whichever way you prefer to look at it, that sized engine groans a bit as the small starter motor struggles to turn the engine over. If my bike was a woman, she definitely wouldn’t like the cold weather and would want to move nearer the equator.

So, I used the choke, turned on the fuel, held my breath and hit the starter button. There was life there, but not as we know it. I gave it another burst of starter. After a short while, the engine fired and I was happy. My neighbours probably weren’t happy with the noise while I let the engine run for a while to get it warmed up a little. To me, the bike sounds fantastic with its low down, loud, typically Harley sounding engine with straight through pipes. It sounds even better when the bike is in the garage and the noise reverberates around the still crisp air. To me it sounds good – I suspect to some others, not so good.

It was one of those rides where you don’t care where you go, as just the ride itself was what mattered. I didn’t have a destination in mind, nor any idea of a route to take. My first decision was challenging - should I turn left out of my drive, or right? Who cares? I chose left. My ride was only about 30 miles. Living as I do just north of the great metropolis that is London, it takes a while to get out of the built-up areas and onto slightly faster roads, so I was happy just riding around the area that I live.

I went to a nearby large town, to deliver a faulty watch to a jewellery store to be repaired. There was a small group of people looking at my bike as I returned to it, including an elderly couple who must have been in their eighties. “You need a young blonde haired girl sitting on that” said the old lady pointing to my bike. I couldn’t help but smile as she prodded me with questions about my bike. After 10 minutes we said farewell and I continued my journey, feeling better for having met the elderly couple.

After riding a while I remembered I had slipped my camera in my pocket so I began to look for places to take a photo or two of my bike. I suddenly thought of Digswell Viaduct which carries the East Coast Main Line trains over the River Mimram on their journey the length of the country. At 1,560 feet (475 m) long and 100 ft (30 m) high it makes a pretty impressive backdrop. The viaduct was opened by Queen Victoria in August 1850. It is said that she was so worried about the height of the structure that the train carrying her had to stop short of the viaduct and she continued her journey at ground level along the length of the viaduct. She then re-entered her train at the other side.

The viaduct is one of the narrowest parts of this important train line as it can only accommodate two tracks while the rest of the route is four tracks. As can be imagined, the structure is a bottleneck on the route causing trains to have to slow down to fit on the two track part across the structure.

I have travelled on trains may times over this structure and the view is excellent. I must try to remember to take some more photos of it with the bike when I have more time. I needed to get riding again as the temperature was beginning to drop sharply. Soon I was home with my hands around a warming cup of tea!

The forecast for tomorrow is good as well. Perhaps spring has sprung at last.....

Friday, 26 February 2010

Best Bike Touring Item?

I was just writing something about packing for a motorcycle tour and it got me thinking about what was the most useful items us touring motorcyclists take on our trips. I would like to know from you what your most useful items are on a motorcycle tour. I will start the ball rolling and say that I enjoy listening to music not just on my bike but also in the places I stop at overnight. I have been trying for years to find a good sounding but small speaker system that I can plug my iPod into for when I am in motel or wherever I am staying that night. I have tried a few over the years, but they either don't sound good or are to bulky for carrying on a bike.

Then out-of-the-blue, I found myself on Christmas day opening tiny present that my darling wife had just given to me. It was a speaker by Lifetrons and it is fantastic! It is very small sounds just great. It has about a nine hour battery life and is recharged via a USB so it is perfect if you are taking a laptop or netbook, meaning you dont need to take a bulky charger for it. Here is a link to the Lifetrons Website. I have to say that this tiny speaker is stunningly good to take on a bike tour.

What I would like to hear from you is what item do you find most useful on a bike trip. I dont mean common items like cameras or cell phones that we all take, but other things that are maybe more unusual.......?

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

4 months to go

A short while ago it did seem like my preparations for the tour were well ahead of where they needed to be. But now, as is illustrated in the picture, time seems to be just melting away.

Today it is 4 months until the start of my tour of the USA. Maybe I just imagining it, but I seem to have accomplished little over the past few weeks in getting things ready. I guess it is just a guy thing – give us one or two things to think about and we can cope very well. Give us a lot of things to do and we seem to drift from one to another, without really getting much finished. I think I have to many things to do at the moment, so I am going to revert to type and do what I always do in these circumstances – start writing a list of what needs to be done, then get satisfaction as I strike each one off as being completed!

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Improve my Photography

Now that I have retired (it still sounds very odd when I say that), one of the things I want to spend some time doing is to improve my photography. I think my photography is ok, but I don’t really understand the technical side of what I am trying to do. So, being in Spain for the past week or so, I decided to bring my Camera and see what I could do.

I have had my Nikon D200 for about a year and a half and the beauty of the camera is you can change the settings to “Program” and it becomes a simple point-and-shoot camera where you don’t need to really understand anything except composition. However, having had some time to read the manual , or more accurately, skim through it, I am slowly understanding the other things that the D200 can do. All I can say at the moment is that I am glad I am retired, because I think I might need quite a lot of time to get to the bottom of all of this technical stuff.

Photographically, I want to be able to capture my upcoming tour of the USA in the best way possible and so I need to learn more and practice over the next 4 months. I have included below some of the photos I have taken this week, so I will use these to compare to where I have reached before I start the tour.

Earlier in the week, despite the rain, I was determined to get my camera out – here is a close up of the rainwater sitting on the decking at our house in Spain....

Another shot of a palm tree reflecting on the very wet decking....

I tried a few shots at very fast shutter speeds. Here is one of my sons jumping off a log. I think this was taken at 1000th of a second....

Another shot of my son, who soon regretted his decision to do a flip. He thought the sand, actually small stones, was softer than it really was. He landed on his head and shoulders with quite a thump!.....

As the weather has been so poor, I tried to capture the high wind we were having ....

As I was shooting directly into the sun, it was difficult to get the aperture right on this shot, so using my new found knowledge, I used bracketing to get different exposures of the same shot. This was the best....

I wanted to get a large depth of field on this shot and I think it worked. The whole picture from front to back is in focus......

I was pleased with the composition of this shot.... The rock of Gibraltar is in the background....

Another shot of Gibraltar. In the foreground is where a river meets the Mediterranean Ocean and causes some interesting water effects....

It makes for a bizzare picture, but these are oranges that for whatever reason got swepted down a river, into the Med then washed up on the beached during a storm....

Jeremy throwing a stone in the Med....

A view of the mountains with a motorway in the forground....