In researching places to visit on my tour, I found a photo of Goosenecks State Park and I think I said wow as I looked at the picture.
Goosenecks State Park is all about one thing – the deep meanders of the San Juan river. Millions of years ago the land slowly rose and the river cut a remarkable chasm into the rock, forming an incredible series of curving meanders. I had to include this on my tour, but I was already worried about being able to take such a spectacular looking photo as this with my regular 17-55mm lens.
I had a hankering for a new gadget, so last week I jumped on the train to Central London and purchased myself a new lens – a fisheye! This goes by the snappy name of the .... Nikon 10.5MM F2.8G AF DX IF-ED FISHEYE-NIKKOR. It sort of trips off the tongue, doesn’t it!
It is a spectacular lens and I had to try it straight away. Here are a few test shots.... I can’t wait to use it on the tour.....
Goosenecks State Park is all about one thing – the deep meanders of the San Juan river. Millions of years ago the land slowly rose and the river cut a remarkable chasm into the rock, forming an incredible series of curving meanders. I had to include this on my tour, but I was already worried about being able to take such a spectacular looking photo as this with my regular 17-55mm lens.
I had a hankering for a new gadget, so last week I jumped on the train to Central London and purchased myself a new lens – a fisheye! This goes by the snappy name of the .... Nikon 10.5MM F2.8G AF DX IF-ED FISHEYE-NIKKOR. It sort of trips off the tongue, doesn’t it!
It is a spectacular lens and I had to try it straight away. Here are a few test shots.... I can’t wait to use it on the tour.....
Another wide shot with the fisheye of the front of the British Museum
The same shot, but taken with a standard lens
The interior of the British Museum. The roof was built by the firm I helped to run
My local railway viaduct, with a train crossing
I think the key with this lens will be not to use it too often.