Sunday, 12 September 2010

Gary and Nadine, plus the Real South Park

When I was working on the London 2012 Olympics, I made friends with a guy called Gary who lives in Parker, just south of Denver. I knew Gary was in town, so the decision to go see him was no decision at all really!

I spent a couple of nights with Gary and his wife Nadine. The first evening we chatted, mainly about working together and just simply catching up on what each of us had been doing for the past 18 months or so since we last saw each other.

This is Gary and Nadine....

Like me, Gary is retired, but we went to his office as he had a couple of things he needed to do there and I said hello to some of his colleagues, one of whom, Randy, I knew from the Olympics project.

In the afternoon we played golf. I haven’t played golf for a long time and it was really good to get out on a course again. My game had of course gone to pot many years ago as I think I have played about on average every one game evry two years, so I was rusty to say the least!

Here is Gary about to give the ball a good wallop....

That evening we went to dinner with another ex Olympics colleague, Fred Long. It was terrific to talk about things that had happened and people we had met on that project, and Nadine took all of this work talk in good spirit.

I really enjoyed seeing Gary and Nadine. I was really pleased they were at home at the time I was passing through. Thank you Gary and Nadine for your friendship and hospitality.


Before I left them, on hearing of my route, Gary and Nadine suggested I go see South Park, next to Fairplay in Colorado. Now, I didn’t realise it until just now when I looked it up, but apparently Fairplay is the basis for the television series, South Park. I would have looked at the town with different eyes had I known that at the time!

According to Wikipedia, A historic gold mining settlement, the town was founded in 1859 during the early days of the Pike's Peak Gold Rush.

On one side of the town is “South Park City” – a reconstructed 1880’s Gold Mining Town, which has been opened to the public since 1959. I was surprised at the scale of this place as I was expecting just a few buildings, but it is a comprehensive museum type setting with many genuine articles from the time. I enjoyed walking around and having a look at what was there.

I will let the pictures I took do the talking....

Worth a visit? Yes, if you are in the area.

I have ridden over a few quite high passes in the last day or so, but they are not terribly exciting. These are almost straight up and down type roads that do not contain many twisty sections. Kenosha Pass is high at 10,001 feet, Red Hill Pass at 9986 feet and Wilkerson Pass at 9502 feet. The views are good from each, but riding these is nothing to write home about!

Friday, 10 September 2010

Take a Youtube Virtual Tour on a Harley Davidson

Here is a Youtube video clip that explains the Harley Ride Experience:A Harley Ride is an experience, which once taken is never forgotten. In this You tube video we explain what its all about and why this experience is suitable for anyone who has never been near a motorcycle in their life. Its for people who have never thought of a motorcycle as being something that's for them.This is the perfect

A Film From Natasha.....

If you haven't yet seen both the videos on my last post, then you MUST go have a look!

Charlie6 and his lovely wife Martha had very kindly invited me to stay at their house for the night which I gladly accepted. After riding up Mt Evans earlier in the day, I was tired, but Charlie6 and I stayed up talking for far too long and I then slept like a log!

The next morning saw Charlie6 and I making plans for the day. It was Labor Day and there was a “Taste of Colorado” event happening in downtown Denver, so we discussed going to see that. I didn’t mind where we went, as long as I got a ride in the sidecar of Charlie6’s Ural outfit, Natasha!

After a little more discussion, we decided central Denver it was to be and we soon headed out. I like riding in sidecars, but you have nothing in front of you, it feels like riding a bike, but with no handlebars! I wore a helmet. I looked left and right at junctions. I felt the wind on my face, all just like riding a bike, but you just sit there, not doing much. A strange feeling!

The really good thing about being in the sidecar is you get to use both hands for your camera. I decided to take my GoPro video camera but its battery was flat, so I used my point and shoot camera to take some video. The results were not great, but I decided to have some fun with the few short clips I did take.

Here is a short video I put together from riding in Natasha.... I hope you enjoy it.... I guess Miles and Patrick will.....TURN YOUR SPEAKERS UP!....

I also took some still pictures....

This is approaching downtown Denver....

More Denver buildings.... Having spent a career constructing buildings, you would think I would have no interest in them, but I do....

We stopped behind two scooters and looking at this picture, it raised a few questions in my mind....

Why don’t scooters have license plates?
Would I ride a scooter with a broken indicator (US = turn signal)?
No matter how hot it got, would I ride in shorts?

Somebody might answer the first question for me and the answer to both the others is no.

Government buildings are sometimes bland and boring, but occasionally they are very special. Take a look at this one. It is something like the “Denver Post Office and Federal Building”. I am not sure I have remembered the name properly, but what a beautiful building!....

Charlie6 then remembered a building we should go see. It was a conference centre (US = center) and he said something about a bear....

The bear was splendid – it is standing outside the building in a position that makes it seem the bear is looking into through the glass wall of the centre. Unluckily, at the time, the bear was half in the sun and half in the shade, making a good photo difficult, so I went underneath and looked up....

Next we went to see the State Capitol building, a resplendent structure built in a very traditional style.... so I took a very traditional picture of it.....

I knew I wouldn’t like that picture, so I walked around the building, trying to find a better picture.... here are a few....

I liked the way this dog walker bent over to try to stay out of the picture....

Then there was a statue in front of the building....

I like the angles in this picture....

Another couple of views....

I found this memorial stone in the grounds of the Capitol Building. Considering this was written back in 1983, I thought they were very poignant words for the World Trade Center in New York....

Then I saw this and I thought of Bill Clinton....

I liked this mural. I think it must have been the car that attracted me....

Sometimes you see things that surprise you. I saw this logo on a police car. Charlie6 said it was probably the police motorcycle logo. I liked it....

Here is Charlie6 and the famous Natasha.... He is very good about ATGATT....

We then parked the bike and walked for a while around the “Taste of Colorado” event. It was a warm sunny day and it had bought out the crowds. It seemed though that this cannon was about to take out some of the crowd....

I hope this was a temporary tattoo....

Some of the crowd enjoying a dancing demonstration....

There were some birds of prey on display....

A strange statue nearby....

A covered walkway that reminded me of a similar structure in front of the Vatican in Rome....

My favourite picture from the event. There was a trapeze swing that kids were launching themselves from. Most simple fell onto the air mattress, but this kid gave it everything he had, twisting through the air..... Good for him!....

This guy had a quite a few tattoos. He told me he was in a band that were soon to go on stage.....

We grew weary of the crowds and soon enough, we climbed back onboard Natasha and went back to Charlie6’s house where he made noodles for a late lunch and soon I had to be on my way. Before we left though, we introduced Natasha to the Leading Ladies....

I had a great couple of days with Charlie6. Thank you to both him, Martha and their kids for being so hospitable. Now, if you ever get to London.....

Finally I must say hi to Mark and Jude and their children Dan, Tim and Nikita. Mark is my cousin and they live in New Zealand, not too far from where the recent earthquake hit. I was relieved to hear that you are all ok and not affected by what sounds like a bad one. Take care your five!

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Meeting Charlie6 of Redleg’s Rides and Mt Evans Video

After a few days away from Blogging, I am back! If you were wondering where I had got to, I have been meeting a few people in and around the Denver area for a number of days and it is difficult to make videos, sort pictures and write your blog, when there are fun people to meet!

One of the blogs I have followed and admired for some time is Redleg's Rides written by Charlie6. Some time ago, when I knew I was going to be very close to where Charlie6 lives, we had been exchanging e-mails about meeting up and possibly riding together. Well, a few days ago, we did just that and Oh Boy, it was a great ride!

We had arranged to meet at the Red Rocks Amphitheater on the west side of Denver. You can ride to the top or the bottom of the amphitheatre and I chose to ride to the top, passing some terrific views of the red rocks (hence the name) on the way up....

The road passes through a short tunnel. You can tell the size of this rock by how small the Leading Ladies look in this picture....

There were a large number of people using the steps to do some very rigorous training. Quite what they were training for, I do not know, but I imagine it was an iron-man event. That is a strange name really, as both men and women take part....

Soon Charlie6 rode into the car park with a friend called Oscar. Charlie6 was on his BMW called Brigitta and Oscar on an older Honda. Not only did Oscar come along for the ride, but it seemed his whole family had made the trip as well in a jeep that they followed along behind in for a while! It was good fun meeting them all.

We stood at the top of the Amphitheater looking down at the many people using it for training of one sort or another. The steps make a great training facility....

We had a long way to travel today, so soon we headed out to ride Mount Evans, which has the honour of having the highest road in the United States. Before getting to the main purpose of our ride, we rode along Bear Creek Road and then over Squaw Pass and while these were good roads in their own right, they were but a warm up for Mt Evans! The main Mt Evans road begins at a place called Echo Lake, which itself is quite high at 10,600 feet above sea level.

However, the next 14 miles were going to be one of the most exciting roads I had ever been on. Before we started though, Oscar had recently been working on his old Honda to get it running after a period of, well, “resting” and it wasn’t running as well as it might. Oscar had needed to slip the clutch on some of the steeper climbs so he wisely decided not to risk his bike by riding it up the mountain.

This was one of those occasions where I just had to make a video of the ride and so I fixed a camera to my bike....

Here is the resulting video of riding up the mountain. Enjoy....

For those of you that noticed the squeaking or “chirping” noise coming from my bike, this is a well-known problem that Harley-Davidsons have where the exhausts are rubber mounted and the rubber begins to squeak after time. It can be remedied by lubricating the mount with silicone, but I don’t have any with me. I will find a H-D dealer and have them do it!

On the way up, there were a few stops for photos....

There is a lake between mileposts 8 and 9 ....

One of the spectacular views of the road below....

It was a very clear day and you could see for miles....

The Leading Ladies and Brigitta standing side by side....

Charlie6 at the high point of the road....

And yours truly at the same place....

I had to laugh at the long queue for the toilets at the top....

We stopped a few times on the way down for pictures....

“Charlie, back a bit, back a bit”....(Just kidding)....

What a stunning view....

The two bikes on the mountain road....

Charlie6 taking a picture of me, taking a picture of him....

More wonderful views....

The bikes with the road we just rode along in the background....

More views of the bikes....

Of course, the camera was still running for the ride down....

Overall it was a fantastic ride and one that I would thoroughly recommend. At times it was exciting and took your breath away. It was cold (85 ish at the bottom, 41F at the top) and the cold wind did bite as we rode around some of the bends. This was Labor day Weekend in the US and on the Monday night the road up My Evans closed, so the traffic was quite busy.

After getting back down we rode to Charlie6’s house where I was lucky enough to meet Charlie6’s family and to spent the night. More on that and the famous Natasha tomorrow....