Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Harley Davidson 1935 RL

When the original D-series Harley 45s were introduced in 1929, they were nicknamed the “three-cylinder Harleys” because their vertically mounted generators resembled an extra cylinder. Harley-Davidson produced these bikes in response to the success of the popular Indian Scout, but the D-series was not considered a success and it was replaced, in 1932, by the R-series. One of the benefits of the

Monday, 4 November 2013

Harley-Davidson Street 500 / 750 - reaction to the reaction.

Reaction to the new Harley-Davidson Street 500 and 750 models has been predictably vocal.

What surprises me is the passion from many in their initial reaction to the new bikes. Social media is flooded with the polarised views of the “love it” and the “over-my-dead-body” sections of the biker community.

When the knee-jerk reactions are stripped away, the views about the new models are likely to be good overall. Of course, there will be some who will always consider a smaller, liquid-cooled motorcycle to be the work of the devil and too far removed from Harley-Davidsons core history to be acceptable, but what any vehicle manufacturer cares about is what the majority think, not the vocal few.

Look back just a couple of months to when Harley-Davidson launched the new Project Rushmore bikes, when a lot of the initial reaction in the first couple of days was negative. However, a few months later, when the bikes have actually been test ridden, looked at, sat upon and judged based upon fact, the reaction is very different and has resulted in one of Harley-Davidsons best-ever sales quarters.

Harley-Davidson has very different motorcycle geographic markets to consider. Along with trying to please its loyal, invariably older, existing customer base, at the same time it needs to develop models that appeal to newer, younger riders, and this results in only one thing being certain - whatever it does, it isn’t going to please everyone.

As I see it, Harley-Davidson has to consider many variables when developing new models. The most important five are likely to be…..

One, geography. Harley-Davidson is a global company that needs to appeal to riders across our planet. Motorcycle riding is very different depending where you are in the world and what is right for one market is very wrong for another. Many Harley-Davidson owning Americans love their big twin, large heavy touring models, but those models are very inappropriate for the very congested streets in some parts of Europe and Asia. The smaller, lighter 500cc and 750cc models are aimed at street riders, not open road riders. The clue is in the name!

Two, emissions. Many naysayers have written things like “Water cooled! I will never give up my air-cooled twin!”. They have missed the point here in that the introduction of the new water-cooled models is likely to help Harley-Davidson to keep producing their famous air-cooled models. In many places in the world, vehicle manufacturers not only have to meet strict emissions standards for each model, but they also need to meet standards for their range when taken as a whole.

A quick look at the US Environmental Protection Agency website shows “All vehicles sold in the US must comply with federal emission standards. However, the standards are packaged in various “bins” that manufacturers can choose from, meaning that in a given model year, some vehicles will be cleaner than others.” By introducing some new models with lower emission qualities means that other models with higher emissions can be kept.

Three, a broader customer base. Harley-Davidson has a long-term problem with its business that it simply had to address. The age profile of their customers is too old. Us grey-beards are not going to be around forever and Harley has to target younger customers if they are to maintain or grow their market position. The simple fact is that younger riders don’t go out and buy large expensive motorcycles. Women riders generally don’t want large heavy motorcycles. Newer riders need smaller bikes to ride as they learn. Younger riders want something they can buzz around town on with their friends. Just watch the H-D promo videos for the new models. These new models are mainly for these groups, so I just don’t understand the rhetoric when people complain the new models are too small, or too far removed from what Harley’s should be like. It is simple to understand – if you don’t like it, don’t buy it, but don’t complain about it at the same time!

Four, kerbside appeal vs price. As design is a very personal thing, this is the hardest part of a manufacturers strategy to get right. We all have slightly differing views about what we like and don’t like and designers have to try to appeal to the majority.

Like nearly everyone, I have not yet seen the new Street 500 and 750 models first hand, let along ridden one yet. While they clearly won’t appeal to the traditionalists in Harley circles, they will look pretty cool to many. The prices seem okay as well, but the real test will come when somebody has cash to spend and when they look at the options available to them from different manufacturers. It is likely that many will buy the new Street models because they are different to other manufacturers machines.

Five, profit. Harley-Davidson are not fools. They have to make good profits or they will struggle badly. They need money to re-invest for the future and if that means using a cheaper supplier then that is what they will do. When it comes down to it, most riders care about quality and they don’t want they machines to break down. To most, that is far more important in the long run that where the parts are made, or where the motorcycles are assembled. For most companies, making profit equals cutting costs.

So, reading the initial gut-reaction of many to the launch of the new models has been interesting. Social media is great in that it gives us all a voice.

It will be interesting to see what impact the new Street 500/750 has upon the H-D Sportster models.

For me, I probably won’t buy one of these new models as they are not the sort of motorcycle I ride, but my sons might.

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Greatest Experience

If I had one choice to nominate my favourite ride, that choice would have to be the Great Ocean Road Tour Harley Ride. Its very difficult to explain if one hasn't taken the experience, but that is the one of my choice.

Watch this and you may begin to understand what I mean:

Thursday, 24 October 2013

When bad customer service can leave you frustrated and angry.

Are you like me in loathing organisations that have very poor customer service and seem to not care about their customers?

I really cannot understand why some large businesses don't do a better job in dealing with the people that keep them in business - us, their customers.

We can all accept that sometimes things go wrong. When they do, we just want it put right quickly and efficiently, but here in the UK, this rarely seems to happen. All too often, when trying to get things resolved on the telephone, we are passed from one person to the next, with nobody either capable or willing to solve the problem. When this happens to me, I am left with a feeling of frustration and often, anger.

It happened today and being tired of getting absolutely nowhere, I have decided to publicly denounce the guilty party, in the hope they do actually do something to improve. Who knows, it might work.

It was Hewlett-Packard that let me down. Having nearly run out of the high quality photo print paper and urgently needing some more for a large print job, I went online and saw on the HP shop website te paper I needed was available and would be delivered the next day. That was perfect and just what I needed. About £100 / $150 of this was ordered. Sadly, it didn't arrive the next day.

Telephone calls to HP were made and the farce started.....

  • Despite the HP website statement of delivery the next day on this specific product, I was told the delivery could not actually be made for over two weeks.
  • I spoke with seven different people. Shamefully, not one offered to solve the problem, or even gave good advice.
  • There is no way to make a complaint on the telephone as HP do not have a process for this. They insist customers write in. (We all know that most written complaints receive not much more than scant attention and nearly always receive just a standard reply).
  • After being on the phone for twenty minutes, one person tried to transfer the call to someone else but disconnected the call.
  • Nobody could suggest which of their vendors might have the paper.
  • One person thought the best way was for me to order the paper from their website as it showed next day delivery! Duh, that is the very problem I was talking to her about.
  • Two people I spoke to suggested the best thing for them to do was to cancel the order. Pretty unbelievable stuff!
  • Several members of HP staff gave me the wrong telephone number for their head office. I later learned the number was changed some time ago, but apparently, nobody has bothered to tell the staff.
  • One person I spoke to told me if customers ask for the head office telephone number, they must be referred to the HP website. That website lists the head office number as the same one I had dialled to speak to the person who suggested I look on their website to get the head office number.
  • I tried to send an email to their shop, but couldn't because their inbox was full.
  • Needless to say, I got nowhere and the problem was not even close to being solved.

Does this sort of chaos and disorganisation sound familiar?

What is really silly is I must have been speaking to the various HP staff members for about 45 minutes in total. In that time they achieved precisely nothing, but if just one person had tried to help, it would have taken far less time than that to actually solve the problem. Lets remember this is an IT organisation, so they really should have the systems in place that give their staff the information they need to help their customers. It is purely down to training and attitude.

Sadly, this is depressingly all too common with UK businesses. There are notable exceptions, but they are rare. Quite when and how things will get better is difficult to see. What is important though is than organisations like HP actually try. I wonder if they really do want to improve?

UPDATE 30 November - despite HP first saying the product would be delivered the next day, then saying it would be over two weeks, I drove around my area and found the product I urgently needed.  Those buffoons at HP just sent an automated email to me saying the product has been despatched.  What good is that to me now?  I have already gone and found it elsewhere!  I despair of organisations like this.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Harley Davidson 1933 VLE

The V-series were reliable side-valve V-twins that consistently out-sold every other range of Harley-Davidson during the early 1930s. Introduced in August 1929 for the 1930 model year, 1930 VL is an example of one of the all-new bikes brought in to replace the F-head V-twins. New features included the duplex primary chain, the steering head lock, and the I-beam forged fork legs. Twin headlights

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

My new motorcycle touring business.

A few weeks ago, I hinted that I would be making an announcement about something motorcycle related. It sparked quite a lot of guesses about what it might be about.

Well, the waiting is over, as today I launch my new motorcycle touring business.

Called Tour1, the main points of what we are doing are…..

  • We devise and lead motorcycle tours from the UK to Harley-Davidson European rallies.
  • These are one-way tours and we ship your motorcycle back to the UK. We do this in partnership with “We Move Bikes”, the UK’s leading motorcycle shipper.
  • Due to the tours being one-way only, you can ride across Europe, attend a great motorcycle rally and get back home, all in one week.
  • We find great roads to ride, avoid motorways and have a preference for back roads.
  • Many of our routes are planned to ride over the Alps mountains.
  • In 2014, we are riding to three main Harley-Davidson rallies....
  • We are going to the HOG Euro Festival, in St Tropez, France (May 2014)
  • Plus, the main Harley-Davidson European Rally in Biograd, Croatia (June 2014)
  • And the big one, European Bike Week, in Faaker See, Austria (September 2014)
  • We have also organised a four day tour around parts of northern France

I will personally lead each of the tours.

The routes are planned, the hotels are booked and the anticipation levels are rising!

For more information, see our new website at www.tour1.co.uk

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Beware of What You are Paying For

Would it surprise you that many of the product images you see on the internet are not actually truly representative of the product being sold? That many of the Affiliate Marketing web sites, which accept your money for a Hotel or Tour booking don't have anything but a passing and informal relationship with the product or service in question? Many of these Affilate sites don't even have a