Sunday, 9 February 2014

The Best Way to See Melbourne

Just ask anyone how has come out for a ride with us. Its only after the ride that the lights come on. As you can see here by the reaction we got from Mike.

Friday, 7 February 2014

I want to ride this road in China!

We all have a road somewhere in the world that we would like to ride one day. Here is mine, the Tianmen Mountain road, located within Tianmen Mountain National Park, Zhangjiajie, in northwestern Hunan Province, China.

What a road!

Enjoy the pictures and if you are like me, you will need to close your mouth as you look at them......

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Not All Operators Are The Same Quality

Not all Harley Ride operators in Melbourne are the same and we take pride in being the trend setter in the industry. It may surprise people to know that our industry is very small, and that we all tend to work together. 

But, there is one the operator in the Melbourne Harley Ride Industry who has been used by us on one of our group rides in the past. BUT, that was in the past, I now no longer

Saturday, 1 February 2014

How Busy are you?

Its a question people often ask. The answer is."Well we could always be a lot busier." The reality is that we are nowhere near as busy as you would think, in fact it seems like many people are too scared to come out with us given all the Outlaw Bikie crime which is being reported in the media of late.

The truth is that all of the riders we use don't know any of these so call Outlaw Bikies and

Monday, 13 January 2014

Newspapers are there to make a profit, not to provide accurate news.

It is sometimes easy to forget that the primary aim of a newspaper is to make money. We tend to believe what we read most of the time, but a lot of caution is needed. Often, accurate reporting comes second to getting the paper produced and when the pressure is on to meet deadlines, if that means an article is not accurate, then it seems many newspapers don't really worry about that too much.

Of course, as readers, we only really discover this when we have first-hand knowledge of something and we are able to compare the true facts with what a newspaper says about it.

Take the Daily Mail reporting today that the Pope is selling his Harley-Davidson.

The headline alone is mis-leading. It links Harley-Davidson motorcycles to Hells Angels. "The father, son and the Harley ghost: Pope proves he's no Hells Angel by selling his Harley Davidson to give proceeds to the poor".

This link is somewhat unfair to most Harley-Davidson owners, as many that I know, who would not sell their own Harley-Davidson's, are most definitely not Hells Angels.

The reporter cannot even spell Harley-Davidson properly. Nor can he spell angels it seems. Further down in the piece, he spells it as "Hells Angles". Oh dear.

The caption underneath one of the pictures states "At the time the Pope laid his hands on a disabled Angel...." I happen to know the man pictured is not a Hells Angel, but a HOG member. Similarly, the article goes on to say "Four days after the gifts were given to him, Francis blessed a crowd of Hells Angle bikers in a congregation at an open air mass in St Peter's Square". Really? There were many thousands of HOG members there, but to suggest these were Hells Angles (sic) is somewhat ludicrous.

So, the reporter, Chris Pleasance, has some facts right, but has largely embellished the article with untrue references to Hells Angels to spice it up somewhat. Either that or he simply didn't check the facts. Whichever is the case, it is very shoddy reporting.

Sadly, this is not the first time I have experienced poor reporting of something I personally knew about. I would say that I have read about six or so articles about things I had good knowledge of.  In every case, I have read the newspaper reports and was amazed at how inaccurate they were.

Don't believe everything you read in the papers!

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Off-road Riding for Virgins

A handful of us were off-road virgins.

This video is a group of me and my friends having a go for the first time - it was terrific fun!

Although muddy and slippery, the trails were relatively easy and just what us novices needed.

Many thanks to Fred and Peter Woolcott of Off the Kerb Trail Riding, in Dorking, Surrey. We will certainly be going back! There are very few places to ride off-road in the UK, so finding this one was a real bonus.

I did end up with a few sore muscles for a few days, but that was a small price to pay.

Monday, 16 December 2013

The Best Way to See Melbourne

We frequently meet people who are visiting Melbourne, who choose to come out for a Harley Ride with us who after their ride realise that they made the right decision to come out for an hour or more with us. They come to the realisation that "its not about the motorcycle" - its about how much more they see, how much better it is compared to sitting in a tour bus, the freedom and un-restricted