Friday, 5 September 2014

Monday, 18 August 2014

An Experience for Everyone - Time to Just Do It

Ask yourself a question - Would I ever ride a motorcycle? Or - Have I ever been interested in motorcycle? Or Are motorcycles safe? For the average person the answer to the first two questions is No, and to the third is Yes.

These are the people who are the mainstay of our Harley Rides clientele. 99% of all the people we take out for a Harley Ride as a passenger on the back of our Harley

Friday, 1 August 2014

I went riding with a few friends last weekend.....

It was the Fenlanders HOG Rally, in Fakenham, Norfolk, near the east coast of England.  Somebody snapped this picture of my bike with a few hundred other bikers riding behind me.

It was a great ride through the countryside ending in the seaside town of Sheringham, where a few thousand people were waiting for our arrival and greeted us warmly.  What a great day out!

Monday, 23 June 2014

Ban Google Glass when driving?

Seriously, does anyone think Google Glass is a good idea when driving a car?

Google Glass, which looks like a pair of glass frames with a tiny screen, can be used for browsing the web, reading emails or many other things normally used on computers or smart phones. These are now available here in the UK.

It has become clear today (BBC News website) that “The BBC has learned that the US firm held talks with the Department of Transport ahead of the launch. The DoT had previously raised concerns that the wearable tech could prove a distraction to drivers. That is still the case, but a government spokesman revealed that the search firm was investigating ways to allow drivers to legally use Glass while on UK roads- possibly by restricting the information it displays mid-journey.”

Really? Are drivers not already distracted enough? One thing is certain wearing of Google Glass when driving will not make our roads safer, it will make them much less safe. So why doesn’t the DoT immediately ban wearing these when driving? One can only put this down to yet another failure by the UK Government. That is not a political statement, it is just the truth. Successive Governments seem unable to demonstrate much common sense these days and that is truly worrying.

So if these were allowed, but say with the same restricted information that is allowed by a sat nav / GPS unit, just how will that ever be policed? Only the wearer can see what is being displayed, so nobody will ever be able to check whether the glasses are being used correctly. It is just plain dumb to even consider that people will follow the law and only use them in any restrictive mode.

Do something about this – write to your MP now and express your views! This is how you find out how to contact your MP....

If you are reading this from anywhere else in world, contact your government now!

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Harley-Davidson's go to St Tropez with Tour1

The first Tour1 road trip of the year is complete.

Our trip to get to St Tropez covered about 1,400 miles over six days of riding in France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and we rode some fabulous roads set amongst glorious scenery. It was a spectacular journey to get to the French Riviera.

The three days at the rally in St Tropez were glorious. We were blessed with fantastic weather and the Harley-Davidson’s parked in front of the mega-yachts was a sight to see!

The area was crammed full of Harley owners and the rally site was busy. The Tour1 customers then flew home on the Sunday and our motorcycles were returned back to the UK by We Move Bikes during the following week. The St Tropez rally is one of my favourites and one that I look forward to every year.

For more information about Tour1, see

Dramatic road set into the cliff at Combe Laval

View over the town of Namur, Belgium

The Swiss Alps

Strange rock formation in Sisteron, France

Waiting for a ferry to Cross the Rhine river

One of the winning bikes at the custom Bike show

Lunch stop in the Black Forest in Germany

Stop to stretch our legs!

Another stop, this time near Chamonix in the Alps.

Our group at Combe Laval

Early morning cloud near Mont Blanc

Beautiful Verdon Gorge

Verdon Gorge

In the Alps, somewhere!

Harley-Davidson's in the port of St Tropez

St Tropez, a great place to sit, drink and watch the bikes ride by.

The village of Grimaud, where the custom bike show is held.

Sunshine and chrome - a great combination!

The custom bike show

Monday, 19 May 2014

Compulsory Hi Viz Dangerous for Learner Riders

Today, the Law in Victoria came into force that makes it compulsory that all Learner Motorcycle Riders must wear a High Visibility vest.

Today, Car Drivers can no longer use the excuse Sorry Mate I Didn't See You if they hit a Learner Motorcycle Rider.

Today, the level of Driver Responsibility just went up a notch.

Will it change anything? In the experience of the author, who has clocked up

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Uber - Illegal Operators are Against the Law


Motorcycle riders acting as marshals at an Ironman Competition being held on 16th November face heavy fines if they accept the payment being offered by Event Organisers who are desperate to fill 20 Marshall positions for the event.

Riders are being offered payment of $110, Fuel Vouchers and lunch.

The Victorian Taxi Commissioner has stated that he frowns on similar activity, when