Friday, 28 November 2014

Motorcycle Tour to the Harley-Davidson Rally in St Tropez

One of my favourite Harley-Davidson rallies is the European Festival, held in St Tropez and Grimaud each year. Getting some early season riding on great roads riding across Europe is a terrific way to kick-start the years longer rides.

Tour1 are running a one-way tour from the UK to the rally and the highlights of the tour include: Stay at a Chateaux – riding terrific roads in the Black Forest – Alps mountains – Mountain pass roads – Mont Blanc – Combe Laval – Verdon Gorge – St Tropez.

Saturday 2nd May 2015 to Sunday 10th May 2015, 8 nights

Prices. £1,685 per rider in his/her own room, or £2,075 for a rider and pillion sharing a room. For two riders sharing a room the price is £1,350 each.

Prices include all accommodation, plus transporting your bike back to the UK.

Countries we will be visiting on the way: France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland.

For more information, see

Check out the video.....

Here are a few pictures from our 2014 tour to St Tropez......

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

What a great motorcycle touring video

I love this video as it really shows what is so fantastic about motorcycle touring.

At 20 minutes it is long, but they cram loads into it about their 6 months on their tour of South America. If this doesn’t make you want to go on your own motorcycle adventure, then nothing will. They even did it on an old Honda Transalp XL600V.

Winter is here and I am spending way too long thing about where to go on next years rides.

Roll on Spring!

Monday, 3 November 2014

Riding to the Phillip Island Moto GP

Every year going "the Island", as the world's greatest motorcycle race track is fondly known by Australian motorcycle riders, is preceded by a mass ride call the Cranbourne GP Run.

This year I attached a GoPro camera to the front and rear of my Harley Davidson. This was the result:

Over the years, this event has grown enormously. Something that started with just a couple of hundred riders,

Sunday, 2 November 2014

One heck of a USA road trip on a Harley-Davidson

Okay, my regular readers will have seen some of these pictures before and people who have read my book 'France In America' certainly will, but I thought I'd make a video that tried to show the spirit of my tour of the USA.

This is what I came up with.....

One heck of a USA road trip on a Harley-Davidson

Monday, 13 October 2014

The magnitude of the WW1 Battlefields stir emotions

I just returned from a visit to the WW1 Western Front, where I saw the battlefields, memorials and cemeteries. I went to look and to discover.

Having never studied WW1 at school, I had a lot to learn and so I bought a few books about WW1 and the conflict on the Western Front. From 1914 – 1918, World War I took place across much of Europe that saw 16 million people killed. On the west side of Europe, on 4th August 1914, Germany invaded neutral Belgium and Luxembourg before moving towards France. After the German march on Paris was halted, what became known as the Western Front settled into a battle of attrition, with a trench line that would change little until 1917.

Fierce fighting took place along the northern part of this Western Front, especially around Ypres, Vimy Ridge and The Somme. It is these areas that I went to see. I have included a few pictures below from my trip.

The Menin Gate, in Ypres, where The Last Post if played every night.

Restored German Trenches, at Vimy Ridge.

A very large German Cemetery.

Tyne Cot Cemetery, The Somme.

Allied trenches at Newfoundland Memorial Park.

Lochnagar Crater, Near Albert, The Somme.

Tank Memorial, near Pozières, The Somme.

Row upon row of headstones.

The Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme.

Remembrance Poppies.

It was very moving and sombre. The waste of human life was enormous. In all areas of the war, 16 million people died in WW1 and looking at the ages of the soldiers on their headstones, the typical age was in their early twenties.

I will be running a motorcycle tour to these battlefields next year, so that others can see the sadness of what happened. It certainly wass an emotional experience to go and see it for myself.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Friday, 26 September 2014

The Problem with TripAdvisor - Don't Get Fooled

Here at HD Chauffeur Ride Pty Ltd we have a TripAdvisor rating that would be the envy of any other tour company. But, lately I have noticed an anomaly that doesn't seem to sit quite comfortably with the TripAdvisor philosophy of recommending the "right" to the "best quality" attraction.

Take a close look at this and you will see what I mean:

TripAdvisor Ad

To my great shock, I recently