television, and a large number of text news lately busy preaching about
an environmental activist group Moter stop Gede (Moge) being convoy on
the highway Jogjakarta. Wijoyono Elanto's the man, he claimed that MOGE konvoi traffic violations. Shortly after the crowded reported by the mass media, various support flowing drawn to Elanto, through Social Media. With
a distinctive flavor cyberspace, action packed in such a way that the
support, either through Twitter and Facebook status, or meme is unique
in Instagram and Path is no exception. Her courage was predicted to be the heart cry of the users of the highway, because the furious action 'cowboy' big motor. Support for action and we can see simultaneously in the realm of social media. As if all that the A wrong judgment, and the B one. I am the author tries to analyze the fundamental issues regarding this incident, because it was so warm and sexy. I will release the viewpoint of the law by trying to analyze from a slightly different way. And will not judge who is wrong and who is right.
Role of Media in inflating Events
This incident can 'email' fast waveform tub because there is a role of media, whether mass or social help inflate this event. At
the beginning of Mass Media is preaching, and the public view, the
public hearing, and then respond to good or bad events through writing
good comments, pictures or more in the realm of social media. Boom! This incident was booming. And became a national issue.This
is only natural because the era of development and change trend of
making most aspects of life, a drop-by-drop of undergoing changes. It is information that is said to be the king of kings today. Such as now, the media can control one's emotions even wide audience. Mass media are now close to the people as close as possible without
space can control it, in addition to emotions, are also able to adjust
the perspective.Equally started the media, but this time the word is social media companion. Yep, Social Media today became the catalyst of the mass media. Speeding, raise and lower the tension of emotion and perspective of the public. This is particularly true in the event that stopped the convoy Elanto Wijoyono big moter.
Know Motors 'Fat', and the Community:
These events are in addition to involving human subjects and media, also include motorcycle. Motor involved are Harley Davidson, or often called Motor Gede, because it is large in size. Keep in mind the big motor is designed for high speeds. No kidding this bike has an engine types Evolution Engine or fame as the EVO engine. Engine that allows for high speed also has a fierce voice. In
addition, Harley Davidson has a big tank, it can even accommodate as
many as six gallons of fuel, in addition to this evidence designed high
speed, the motor is also made for long distances. Not only that, MOGE have a thousand more cc engine performance of his, even reached 1690cc. Even though it looks chubby, but the engine provides a big boost.It
is only logical if we find Harley Davidson on the road vehicle will be
driven at high speed, because it was designed seperitu. MOGE also more will be on the streets with a group or convoy and cover large distances. A
long distance because it is designed in such a way with a tank capacity
jumbo, always convoy because of Harley Davidson has a large and fairly
old organization in Indonesia. Noted moge Community is already present in the Mother Earth since the
1960s, and formalized into an organization in 1988. Then moge attached
to the image, high-speed, convoys and long distances. Action 'cowboy' moge indeed we must admit. Sometimes if there is a procession accompanied her, arrogant act was visible. If seen supporting factor cowboy behavior is due Harley Davidson community since its establishment is kept up-chaired by officials of the military or police. Lastly, chairman of the Community of Harley Davidson Club Indonesia held by former deputy chief, the Commissioner General Pol. Drs. Nanan Seokarna. The members 'may' feel safe and comfortable doing less commendable action even on the highway, because they are "protected" by the chairman and the long history of this club.
In addition, the super expensive price big motor could be another factor rogue actions of motorists MOGE. Hundreds of millions to billions more touching figure of the price per one Harley Davidson. should be recognized this bike into a luxury vehicle, and the driver understand that, then the conclusion is a big motor will be a little more 'arrogant' on the highway. Meresa have luxury goods, and the goods are designed to support things that can not be done any other rider.
Apart from that, this community has a positive program that supports tourism and Rajin Indonesia held a social action. Once again, we must recognize the big bike riders often being arrogant, but we also have to look on the good side, because the community also held a social action diligently.