Thursday, 22 December 2011

2011 Moto-Blogging Awards. And the award goes to....

Another blogging year is coming to an end.

I have enjoyed reading many people’s motorcycle related blogs again this year, so much in fact that that I have decided announce the 'Flies in your Teeth 2011 Moto-Blogging Awards'. Sort of like the Oscars for Motorcycle Blogging, but not really.

These are just for fun, carry no prizes and the judge’s decision is final !!!!

If you are not mentioned, then that is probably due to my bad memory.

So, in no particular order......

The blogger that made me laugh the most in 2011. Jack Riepe of Twisted Roads. Keep it up Jack.

With all of his food pictures, the blogger that constantly made me feel hungry, Bobskoot of Wet Coast Scootin, with a special mention also for Lucky on his Pizza Crusade

The person with the coolest blog name. Brady from Behind Bars.

The blogger that gets more exercise than most and makes me feel guilty for not doing more myself, is bluekat, who writes about bluekat’s journeys be they by bicycle, kayak, on foot, or on a motorcycle.

The blogger that makes me feel cold, due to his Polar Bear rides. Chris (where's that snow?) Luhman of Everyday Riding. Brrrrr!

The bloggers that are nearly always on the road. Donna and Stu, who are hauling it around while they take a 5th.

For posting pictures that make me want to travel half way around the world to ride on another island. Roger, aka Raftnn, who has All Things Rogey.

A blogger that doesn't post often, but when he does, I always read it. The Arizona Harley Dude.

The blogger that has finally seen sense and bought a Harley-Davidson. And she takes great photos too.... . Sonja. who has (re-)discovered motorcycle riding.

The blogger that I want to meet on the salt. George was originally from Mozambique, now living in the USA, who writes about Riding the USA.

Canajun, who is the Ottawan blogger On Two Wheels that has a happy humidor.

My favourite blogging couple. Troubadour and Trobairitz

The blogger that I so want to pass his IAM qualification. Geoff, who shares his confessions here.

The blogger with a great balance between ride reports and life in general, motoroz who isn't just an ordinary biker.

The blogger that does the best interviews. Stephanie, the Iowa Harley Girl.

The top sidecar blogger (and the blogger with the most names). Dom/Redleg/Charlie6. of Redlegs rides.

The most technical blogger and Chapter photographer. Axel, of Road King UK.

The blogger that took the most inspiring trip in 2011. V-Star Lady. What a great adventure she had, riding her V-Star.

The terrific writer that often makes me sit back and think about what he has written, FLHX Dave from the Road Grits Cafe. He also makes great coffee!

The fun-loving brand-loyal blogger. BeemerGirl, who has the Love of a Motorbike.

A new biking blogger that enjoys sharing as he learns. Circle Blue who has Twists and Leanings.

The blogger that moved from a warm place to a cold one, that used to write about exercise, but now mainly writes about riding his BMW, Richard.

The blogger with attitude who says what she thinks. mq01 from over at Ms M's Place.

The blogger that I learn from, irondad, The Intrepid Commuter.

The blogger with the coolest custom motorcycles. Ian Solley, of 7 Ages Custom Motorcycles.

The blogger with the most impressive beard, WooleyBugger of Wooley’s Rants and Sonic Cleaning.

A very keen moto-blogger, who writes about riding her Scooter experiences, Princess Scooterpie.

The blogger that disappeared for a while and then came back. Baron.

The blogger that is on the mend. Jimbo, who will hopefully soon be back to Premeditated Scootin'.

The blogger with many years of biking experience, Doug, who has spent more than Forty Years On Two Wheels.

Plus of course, all other bloggers that I have failed to mention.

and finally, my favourite blogger that doesn't even write a blog. Mrs France.

Thank you all for your terrific blogs and I look forward to reading more about you and your adventures in the year ahead.

It only leaves me to wish you all a Happy Christmas and a terrific New Year. I hope you all have many great rides in 2012.

Monday, 19 December 2011

I need your help - what cars are these?

When I was on my ride through the USA last year, I saw and photographed two cars.  I want to refer to these in my book about the trip but I am afraid I don't know what they are.  Does anyone out there know?

I believe the lighter car might be a Chevrolet Impala, but I am not certain and I don't have a clue what the green car is.  I will be very grateful for any information!

Thursday, 15 December 2011

It won’t look like this for long....

The design stage of my new custom bike is progressing well and should be finished within a week or so.

I am not going to give anything away about what it might eventually look like, but there are some pictures below showing what the donor bike currently looks like.

So, what will we be keeping from the existing bike?  Just two things.  The engine and the frame.  A whole bunch of spare parts will be going on eBay soon!

The completed bike should be ready by the middle of April, so I will keep you posted!

Friday, 2 December 2011

harley davidson sportster

The harley davidson Sportster is a line of motorcycles produced continuously since 1957 by the Harley Davidson Motor Company. harley davidson Sportster models are designated in Harley-Davidson's product code by beginning with "XL". In 1952, the predecessors to the Sportster, the Model K Sport and Sport Solo harley davidson motorcycles, were introduced. You'd be hard pressed to find a vehicle

Thursday, 1 December 2011

harley davidson fatboy

Big motor manufacturers from the United States, Harley Davidson (HD) add to the ranks of big motor back in the Indian market. Manufacturers based in Milwaukee is officially launched a special edition Harley-Davidson Fat Boy. That way, the Fat Boy model complements the existing 14.

Display of this special HD Fat Boy has a fierce face with a predominantly black bandage across his body. This

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

How and Why did you get into Motorbikes?

I have read a few motorcycling blogs recently that I haven't seen before.  With almost all of them, I was left wondering how the authors of those blogs initially got into biking, and why?

This wondering has got the better of me, so I thought I would ask.

Keen to set the ball rolling, I have set out below my reasons.  I would like to know your reasons, so if you want to participate in this, then write something on your own blog about 'How and Why I got into Motorbikes'.  Then, so we can keep track of the responses, please add a comment to this post, with a link to your own post.

Here is my biking background....

I can remember that when I was really young, maybe at around the age of four, that my Father had a motorbike with a sidecar. Rather frustratingly, that is all I can remember of this.

At about the age of 13, I was taken to some motorcycle races and I really enjoyed these.  I went for a couple of seasons and at the time, it was the Yamaha's and Suzuki's that prevailed and I watched the end of the Norton racing decline.  Racers like Giacomo Agostini, Barry Sheene and Kenny Roberts dominated and produced exciting racing.

Money was short in our family as my wonderful mother was raising us four kids on her own.  My father had died when I was 11 years old and as the eldest boy, I felt the need to start working as soon as possible to help out financially. I was sixteen when I left school and got my first job, full time.  The only form of transport I could afford was a pedal cycle and I rode that 13 miles to work and 13 miles home again each day. This kept me fit and I was as thin as a rake back then!

At 17, continuing to ride a bicycle was becoming impractical in all seasons, so I decided to buy a small motorbike (a Honda C90) as a necessity to travel to and from work. I bought a small motorbike because it was the only form of vehicle I could afford and I rode that bike along with its two replacements every day for about five years, in all weathers. Really good gloves and waterproofs were unusual and cost way too much for my limited budget, so I used to suffer really badly with the cold.  Riding in snow is not much fun if you have to because it is the only way to get to work.

Like many others, marriage and children put an end to my early motorcycling days and it wasn't until many years later that I bought my next bike.  Early for a meeting in London, I had about 45 minutes to waste, so I went to see a nearby Harley-Davidson dealer.  I admired the shiny gleaming machines so much that I arranged to rent a Road King for a weekend. Within an hour of riding the bike, I had decided to buy one.  Returning the rental bike saw me ordering one for myself.  That was six years ago and since then, I have thoroughly enjoyed my re-introduction to biking.  I guess I am a born-again biker!

What's your story?

Friday, 25 November 2011

Protest Ride

I don’t often protest. In fact, I cannot remember ever joining a public protest.

I did last Tuesday though because it was about something that I care a lot about – motorbikes!

The European Parliament makes laws that affect all of Europe and sometimes these laws are just plain stupid. It was becoming clear that the law makers were considering draft proposals that could mean home maintenance and the fitting of non-standard parts on motorbikes would not be allowed. If passed, this anti-biking legislation could severely restrict what for some is a common practice. Imagine not being able to modify, say, a Harley-Davidson with different exhaust pipes, or not being able to change the shocks on your sports bike, not being able to maintain the chain, brakes or doing the tuning on your own bike yourself. This proposed legislation is clearly a nonsense, and we needed to do something about this.

Motorcycle News, the weekly UK biking newspaper, had organised a protest ride at the centre of the European Parliament, in Brussels, Belgium. Previous protest rides had taken place in various UK locations, but while these had helped to consolidate feelings in this country, they lacked impact where it really mattered, in Brussels. I was able to attend, so at 4.30am on Tuesday morning my alarm clock rattled me awake and after making coffee for the ride, I hit the road at 5.00am on my way to Belguim.

The ride to the coast at Folkestone was in the dark the whole way. Worse, it was 98 miles of fog that meant keeping the speed down while having to crack on in order to get the bike onto the right Channel Tunnel train to France. I just made it in time and drank my previously made coffee while waiting in line to board the train....

I recognised a fellow rider in the train as we journeyed under the sea and five of us agreed to ride together to Brussels. Stopping for fuel and supplies replenishment, we pressed on riding through France and soon crossed the border into Belgium. Arriving in Brussels caused some confusion as at the last minute, the assembly point was changed and after struggling to find it for a while, we eventually arrived in good time.

A midweek protest ride in late November in another country that meant you would have to take your bike abroad, was never going to attract huge numbers, but we were pleased to see between 150 and 200 bikes had made the journey from the UK.

Me in Brussels with the Leading ladies....

Brief speeches were made by MCN’s Steve Farrell, Motorcycle Action Group’s Ian Mutch, British Motorcyclist’s Federation’s Chris Hodder and MP Mike Weatherley. Red Dwarf actor Danny John-Jules was also there. This is Ian Mutch talking to the assembled bikers.....

The bikes start the protest ride....

I have to say the Belgium police were fantastic. They lead the ride in their vehicles and at every junction and traffic light on the 5 mile route around the city, police stopped all traffic and waved the bikes through.

Here is MCN’s video of the protest....

The bikes arriving outside the European Parliament....

Marta Andreasen, a supportive MEP, talking to some of the bikers....

The bikes rode back to the assembly point before setting off back to the UK. All of the police motorcyclists and those in vans and other vehicles also went back to the assembly area as well. As they left, the protesting bikers spontaneously applauded the police for the great job they had done. The police smiled, waved back and blew their horns in recognition – an unusual and great moment.

The journey back to Calais and the train was uneventful and we arrived in time to get the planned train. I arrived back home at about 8pm having completed 476 miles on the trip.

I will keep you posted regarding what happens with the proposed legislation. Let’s hope these meddling politicians change their minds!