Wednesday 23 June 2010

Concrete Jungle Where Dreams Are Made Of....

Happy Days! I made it to New York City (with thanks to Alicia Keys for the snappy one-liner above).

I landed mid-afternoon yesterday and found the hotel in Brooklyn that will be my base for a few days. The trouble with flying from east to west is the time difference hits you hard. After travelling for a long time, by the time I had unpacked a few things, went for a walk and had something to eat it was 8pm in NYC, but my body was still working on UK time, so for me it was 1am and I was bushed. I stayed awake for as long as I could fighting the sleep Ninja’s, but they finally got me at around 10pm.

It is now early afternoon on Wednesday and later on I will go and collect my bike from the airport. There was a much more pressing matter this morning and that was to find somewhere to watch England play Slovenia in the World Cup from South Africa. At the same time the USA were playing Algeria. I found O’Keefes bar in Brooklyn to watch the games which both England and the USA won to qualify for the knockout stage. Both were tense matches with the USA scoring with just minutes to go. This started about 5 mins of the USA, USA, USA... chant – all very patriotic and exciting stuff and a great way to spend a morning in New York!

The good news was, England finally played well!!

Here is a picture from the bar....happy Americans.....


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