Showing posts with label Harley Davisdon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harley Davisdon. Show all posts

Monday 3 November 2014

Riding to the Phillip Island Moto GP

Every year going "the Island", as the world's greatest motorcycle race track is fondly known by Australian motorcycle riders, is preceded by a mass ride call the Cranbourne GP Run.

This year I attached a GoPro camera to the front and rear of my Harley Davidson. This was the result:

Over the years, this event has grown enormously. Something that started with just a couple of hundred riders,

Tuesday 4 March 2014

We now Produce a Video for most of our customers.

Recording the joyful looks on the faces of our customers has become much easier over the last few years, with the advent of modern technology. And, we can proudly say that we are the only Harley Ride company in Melbourne who provide this service.

Only, this past weekend we filmed three girls we took out for a sidecar ride.

The previous Friday it was a group from Singapore - here for the

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Our Customers Speak about their Harley Ride Experience

It never ceases to amaze us to see the reaction we get from people as we take them out for a Harley Davidson Ride experience. All that most people know about motorcycles are the horror stories portrayed to them by the media, and Road Safety agencies like the TAC. But, the reality is far from the myths espoused by these sources. And we frequently change people's perceptions about the Motorcycle

Sunday 7 April 2013

The Best Melbourne Tours

Most tourists visiting Melbourne never get out of the centre of town. The CBD is a huge rectangle - 1/2 a mile wide and 1 mile long. It was laid out by Governor Latrobe in the 1840's, and the magnificent old buildings which populate the city were built on the proceeds of the Gold Rush which started after gold was discovered in Ballarat around 1850. Before that, Melbourne was a small settlement

Friday 4 January 2013

Youtube Harley Ride Clips - For the Dreamers

Without a doubt, motorcycles are gaining in popularity. But, for many people owning their own motorcycle, getting their bike licence just isn't something that is ever going to happen. The reasons for this are many and varied - for many they just can't fit one into their busy lifestyle, of they don't have the funds to purchase one (let alone buy all the necessary protective gear - and undertake