Tuesday 12 October 2010

Way Behind and a Lost Hour.

Two days ago I took Jackie to Phoenix so she could get a flight home.

We had a great 2 weeks travelling on the bike together. Despite the cold, rain, near tornadoes and hail, she did brilliantly on the bike and didn’t complain about the discomforts at all. Of course, now she has gone, the weather has improved dramatically and has today become nice and hot again.

Being away for 5 months means I have quite a lot of gear that I carry with me, but I had to give up a lot of the available space on the bike for Jackie’s things. I left a lot of my stuff in a hotel and I have now been re-united with it. This morning was quite strange as I packed the bike once again with just my stuff. I do miss Jackie, but I don’t miss her stuff - women need more space than men and it was nice to get the space back for my gear!

I didn’t do as many blog posts as usual when Jackie was here. It was good to just spend time together, but that has meant I am now way behind on my posts. I need to find time to catch up somehow but I have a busy 2 weeks ahead with many great places to see, so I am not sure how I am going to get up to date. I need to do it quickly though as the more I delay, the more I forget to write about. I have about 4 or 5 posts that I need to do including starting with sorting out which pictures of the Grand Canyon to include out of the 700+ I took. I rode 323 miles today and I just don’t have the energy to sort through them tonight, so it will have to wait. That means I will be another day behind.....!

I just spoke with Jackie and she made it back to Seattle ok before she flies on to London tomorrow. Poor thing, she will be worn out by the time she gets back!

I go to Monument Valley tomorrow. I rode past it on my way down to Arizona, but I have allocated a full day to see it properly, including getting there early to take some sunrise shots. I was planning to get to bed early tonight, but I seem to have lost an hour when I crossed back into Utah today....


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